Cabbages - Kāpeti

Cabbages are from the brassica family and are one of the oldest vegetables known.

Varieties of cabbages grown in New Zealand include red, green or white, with smooth or crinkled leaves, and round or oval in shape. Taste variations are subtle.

Green cabbage

These are the most widely grown cabbage and are available all year round with a range of varieties ensuring a continuous supply. Drumhead is a popular variety with smooth compact leaves. Savoy has crinkly leaves with very good flavour.

Red cabbage

These are hard, tightly packed and crisp with dark red or crimson leaves. Traditionally they are cooked longer than green cabbages. Lemon juice, wine or vinegar can be added to preserve the red colour when cooked. They grow all year but are more plentiful in autumn and winter. 

Cavolo nero

See Kale and cavolo nero

Chinese cabbages

See Asian vegetables

What to look for

Firm heads that are heavy for their size with an even colour and crisp outer leaves are the best.


Available: all year


Refrigerate in paper bags.

How to prepare

Remove any tough, coarse or damaged leaves. Cut or shred depending on requirement.

Ways to eat

Cook for a short time until tender, but still slightly crisp. Serve as soon as possible after cooking. Raw shredded cabbage is the main ingredient of coleslaw. Use cabbage leaves, red or green, as a leaf wrapping, stuffed with a savoury filling and simmered in liquid until tender. Sauerkraut is a pickled cabbage dish. Click here for recipes.

Cooking methods

Boil, steam, microwave, stir fry, stuff.


Cabbages (white/green) are a good source of vitamin C.

Red cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and folate.

There are differences between varieties; for example, red cabbage is much higher in vitamin C  compared to green.

Like other members of the brassica family, cabbages contain many phytonutrients, particularly glucosinolates, carotenoids and phenolic compounds.

Chinese cabbages - see Asian vegetables.

Nutrition table

CABBAGE, WHITE/GREEN   Raw, green drumhead 
Nutrition Information        
Serving Size: 75g  
  Average Quantity
per serving
% Daily Intake per serve Average Quantity
per 100g
Energy (kJ) 81 1 108 Energy - low
Protein (g) 0.9 2 1.2  
Fat, total (g) 0.1 0 0.2  
 - saturated (g) 0.03 0 0.04  
Available carbohydrate (g) 2.9 1 3.9  
 - sugars (g) 2.9 3 3.9 Sugar - low
Dietary Fibre (g) 1.4 4 1.8  
Sodium (mg) 5 0 7  
Vitamin C (mg) 10.1 25% RDI* 13.4 A good source of vitamin C
Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ  
Your daily Intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs.  
 *Recommended Dietary Intake (Average Adult)
**Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake
Source: New Zealand Food Composition Database online accessed May 2024  
CABBAGE, RED Raw      
Nutrition Information        
Servings per package:        
Serving size: 75g      
  Average Quantity per serving % Daily Intake per serve Average Quantity per 100g  
Energy (kJ) 86 1 115 Energy - low
Protein (g) 1 2 1.3  
Fat, total (g) 0.1 0 0.1  
 - saturated (g) 0.02 0 0.03  
Available carbohydrate (g) 3.1 1 4.2  
 - sugars (g) 3.1 3 4.1 Sugar - low
Dietary Fibre (g) 1.7 6 2.3  
Sodium (mg) 5 0 7  
Vitamin C (mg) 20.7 52% RDI* 27.6 A good source of vitamin C
Folate (µg) 62 31% RDI* 82  
Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ 
Your daily Intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. 
 *Recommended Dietary Intake (Average Adult)  
Source: New Zealand Food Composition Database online accessed May 2024  



Offer a choice of varieties either whole or cut into halves or quarters. Wrap when cut to retain freshness. Trim base of whole cabbages daily. Display in refrigerated shelving. Keep moist. Offer small cabbages halved as single meal serves. Use QR code on labels.

Store at 0°C with a relative humidity of 90-100%. Cabbages are ethylene sensitive so store separately from ethylene producing products.

Purchase cabbages with the New Zealand GAP logo.