Novelty sandwiches using vegetables
Different shapes, catchy names and unusual presentation add variety to a sandwich platter.

Change basic ingredients into fantasy sandwiches!
Peanut butter and carrot windmills:
Spread bread with peanut butter.
Remove crusts if desired.
Make a 5 cm cut diagonally inward from each corner.
Add a little pile of grated carrot, fold each alternate corner inward and across the filling to form a windmill shape.
Secure with a slice of carrot or tomato.
Salad pinwheels:
Place 2 slices of bread with crusts removed side by side, overlapping by 1 cm.
Press edges to form a seam.
Spread with margarine and cover with an even layer of grated carrot, alfalfa or lettuce. Roll up.
Slice into 3 or 4 slices.
Cucumber and pickle sandwiches:
Like a pinwheel but made with only one slice of bread with all or some of the crusts removed.
Spread with pickle and long strips of cucumber.
Pickle can be replaced by Vegemite or a chutney.
Cream cheese and cress or microgreens fold-overs:
Using one slice of bread, spread the cream cheese on one half.
Sprinkle the cress on top.
Fold over to make either a rectangle or a triangle.
Variation: grated cheese with finely sliced celery.
Traffic lights:
Cut circular holes in the top layer of bread to expose red (sliced tomato) amber (grated carrot) and green (lettuce) coloured traffic lights.
Tip: Use a small round cookie cutter to cut out the circular holes.
Stackers - another name for club sandwiches:
3 or 4 slices of fresh sandwich bread
Spread the first slice with Vegemite or pickle.
Top with bread and lettuce.
Top with bread and sliced tomatoes.
Cover with last slice of bread.
Slice into three or four lengths.
Variation: grated carrot, sprouts, cucumber and avocado
Roasted capsicum and Pastrami salad stackers:
Lightly spread 5 slices of bread with cream cheese.
Top the first slice of bread with watercress
Top with a slice of bread and sliced roasted capsicum.
Top with a slice of bread and sliced cucumber.
Top with a slice of bread and shaved pastrami.
Cover with last slice of bread.
Slice into three.
Using any of the fillings, cut:
* Soldiers: Long thin sandwiches, crusts on or off.
* Elves Lunches: Very tiny square or triangle shaped sandwiches - about 8-12 per 2 slices of bread.