Barbequed tomato skewers - tomato, halloumi and courgette
Try other vegetables too: capsicum, red onion etc

Serves 4
1 punnet cherry tomatoes (approx.180 - 250g)
180-200g halloumi
2-3 courgettes
3 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp cumin powder
¼ tsp paprika powder
Salt & pepper
Oil to brush on BBQ hotplate.
Soak bamboo skewers in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Slice tomatoes in half. Cut the halloumi into 1cm slices then again into small squares (approx. 1.5cm square). Slice courgettes, approx. 1 cm thick slices. Thread each skewer with a cherry tomato, and piece of halloumi, then slice of courgette and repeat. Whisk together the olive oil, cumin, and paprika then brush over the skewers. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Heat a BBQ hot plate to a high temperature and add a little oil. Lay the skewers on the hotplate and cook for around 8 – 10 minutes turning occasionally.